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Pasife income online

I just wanted to finish off by saying that I'm here for you not only as a guide, but as a friend.  I do my best to respond to emails and  answer peoples questions, but it's become more and more challenging as my blog has gained popularity.  There's nothing special about me.  I'm just someone that has refused to settle in life and have committed myself to being the best I can be, while providing value to others.

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Franklin, If you are looking serious people who have a good basic understanding of marketing for your new site please count me in. I have watched all of your videos on youtube and read all of your articles. I am starting to see results now, and I would like to keep learning. I have been going to the school of hard knocks for almost two years now, and finally I am see what will start to work. I'm not asking for a special favor, I am a hard working person, and I like to think that I am at least moderately intelligent. So I don't ask hundreds of questions because I understand what you are getting at. Thank you for taking the time to consider. v/r Michael

A more selective program that focuses on articles with a local point of view, including coverage of venues, events and local attractions. If you get accepted, you'll be expected to contribute 1-2 articles per week on average so you can build an audience. In fact, building an audience is the key to earning at the higher end; that's why Examiner offers training, support, and editorial Guidance as part of their program. Earnings on Examiner vary according to your article's page views and what the site brings in from advertising, however, the exact rate isn't clear upfront.

Very similar to Elance, but seems to offer more categories to select from. I used it a few times to hire virtual assistants and was fairly satisfied with the process and the result. If you're already planning to sell your services on Elance, you might want to put your resume on upWork as well.

Selling your photographs online can provide a small but steady stream of passive income. Sites like Shutterstock, iStockphoto and Alamy, accept all sorts of high-quality images and then sell them for a certain royalty fee. I have not tried it myself but one of my good friends seems to do quite well with it.

There are a few advantages to taking this approach. First, you get close to 100% of your listed price (minus the transaction fee of your preferred payment gateway). Second, you are not competing with other authors and have the reader's attention solely on your product. Third, selling your eBook on your own platform is a great opportunity to build a long term relationship with your readers via email. Fourth, you can bundle your eBook with other goodies in order to bump up the value and make it more unique. With so many advantages, it's worth putting up the time and start building your own platform.

Michael September 17, 2015 Franklin, If you are looking serious people who have a good basic understanding of marketing for your new site please count me in. I have watched all of your videos on youtube and read all of your articles. I am starting to see results now, and I would like to keep learning. I have been going to the school of hard knocks for almost two years now, and finally I am see what will start to work. I'm not asking for a special favor, I am a hard working person, and I like to think that I am at least moderately intelligent. So I don't ask hundreds of questions because I understand what you are getting at. Thank you for taking the time to consider. v/r Michael Reply

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