Managing Small Business
By:"Carlos W. Moore"
Published on 2008 by Cengage Learning EMEA
Backed by a loyal following, MANAGING SMALL BUSINESS: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis, 14e, continues to lead the market. With its comprehensive approach, precedent-setting coverage, innovative tools, real-world emphasis, and superior package, MSB remains an unparalleled resource for shaping future generations of small business owners and entrepreneurs. An excellent resource for small business management, entrepreneurship, and hybrid courses (especially with our custom options), MSB combines fundamentals of business management with an emphasis on teaching aspiring business owners not only how to start a business but also how to manage, grow, and harvest one--the full business cycle. Featuring an integrated learning system, MSB continues to place emphasis on the business plan, offering many ways to assign it. Through mini cases, comprehensive cases, text exercises, and online activities, students are put in the role of decision maker to sharpen their understanding of chapter concepts. MSB also captures the excitement of small business with multimedia tools such as \
This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword small business loans.