Small Business

Small Business

Small Business
By:"Harold Williams"
Published on 2016-06-14 by BookRix

If you are looking to start a small business of your own, there is a proven process that is necessary to start off with. Many creative people have great business ideas, but their approach to planning is ineffective and eventually flops. First and foremost, you have to find a market that is a good size. Now what does this mean exactly? Finding a niche market that is a reasonable size entails pinpointing one that is big enough to make a profit but small enough for the resources of a small business and one that does not compete with large corporations.

This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword small business grants.

The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Book

The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Book

The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Book
By:"Dee Blick"
Published on 2011-06-01 by FilamentPublishing Ltd

This book is written for you if you want to get to grips with your marketing but you need a helping hand. It's packed with powerful tips, proven tools and many real-life examples and case studies.

This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword small business ideas.

Small Business Administration's Disaster Loan Program

Small Business Administration's Disaster Loan Program

Small Business Administration's Disaster Loan Program
By:"United States. Congress. House. Committee on Small Business. Subcommittee on Government Programs"
Published on 1995 by

This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword small business administration.

Business plan for retailers

Business plan for retailers

Business plan for retailers
By:"United States. Small Business Administration. Management Assistance Division. Support Services Section"
Published on 1982 by

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword small business plan.

How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan
By:"Mike McKeever"
Published on 2014-11-15 by Nolo

Explains how to create the loan package necessary to finance a business and make it work, including how to assess the potential of a business idea, estimate operating expenses, find sources of financing, present the plan to lenders and investors and more, in a book that includes a CD with spreadsheets and sample plans. Original.

This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books for keyword small business plan.

Managing Small Business

Managing Small Business

Managing Small Business
By:"Carlos W. Moore"
Published on 2008 by Cengage Learning EMEA

Backed by a loyal following, MANAGING SMALL BUSINESS: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis, 14e, continues to lead the market. With its comprehensive approach, precedent-setting coverage, innovative tools, real-world emphasis, and superior package, MSB remains an unparalleled resource for shaping future generations of small business owners and entrepreneurs. An excellent resource for small business management, entrepreneurship, and hybrid courses (especially with our custom options), MSB combines fundamentals of business management with an emphasis on teaching aspiring business owners not only how to start a business but also how to manage, grow, and harvest one--the full business cycle. Featuring an integrated learning system, MSB continues to place emphasis on the business plan, offering many ways to assign it. Through mini cases, comprehensive cases, text exercises, and online activities, students are put in the role of decision maker to sharpen their understanding of chapter concepts. MSB also captures the excitement of small business with multimedia tools such as \

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword small business plan.

The Penguin Small Business Guide

The Penguin Small Business Guide

The Penguin Small Business Guide
By:"Nicholas Humphrey"
Published on 2010-06-28 by Penguin UK

Whether you already own a small or medium business, or you are thinking of buying or starting one, The Penguin Small Business Guide is your first step to success. This new edition will keep you up-to-date with the changing face of Australian small business. In this practical, easy-to-understand guide, Nicholas Humphrey gives advice on: - preparing a business plan - effective marketing and public relations strategies - how to comply with the new workplace relations legislation - understanding your key legal and regulatory obligations - making the most of the Internet and e-commerce - preparing financial statements and forecasts - raising money - minimising risk exposure and tax obligations This book also includes fascinating case studies of successful business owners - from Dick Smith and Gerry Harvey in Australia to Richard Branson and Bill Gates internationally. With its detailed examples, valuable checklists and contact details, this essential guide unlocks the secrets of small business. 'You don't have to read much past this first few pages of this book to realise it is a thoroughly researched, meticulously verified work.' Sydney Morning Herald

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword small business for sale.

Small Business Administration

Small Business Administration

Small Business Administration
By:"William B. Shear"
Published on 1999-07-01 by DIANE Publishing

Discusses the secondary markets (SM) for small business loans guaranteed by the Small Bus. Admin. (SBA); these loans are known as SBA 7(a) loans. The objectives of this report are to (1) discuss the benefits and risks of secondary loan markets to participants; (2) identify primary benefits and risks to participants in the guaranteed 7(a) SM and the unguaranteed 7(a) SM; and (3) compare the guaranteed 7(a) SM with the SM for federally guaranteed residential mortgages, and the unguaranteed 7(a) SM with the SM for residential mortgages without a federal guarantee. Identifies these residential mortgage markets as the most valid comparisons for these objectives.

This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword small business loans.

Small Business Administration (SBA)

Small Business Administration (SBA)

Small Business Administration (SBA)
By:"Robert Jay Dilger"
Published on 2011-05 by DIANE Publishing

The SBA administers several programs to support small bus. (SB), incl. the Historically Underutilized Bus. Zone Empowerment Contracting (HUBZone) program. The HUBZone program is a SB fed. contracting assist. program ¿whose objective is job creation and increasing capital investment in distressed communities.¿ It provides SB located in areas with low income, high poverty rates, or high unemploy. rates with contracting opportunities in the form of ¿setasides,¿ sole-source awards, and price-eval. preferences. Contents of this report: The HUBZone Program; Targeting Assist. to Geographic Areas; HUBZone Areas Defined; HUBZone Bus. Defined; HUBZone Fed. Contracting Goals: Program Admin.; Performance Measures. Illus. This is a print on demand report.

This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword small business administration.

Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond

Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond

Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond
By:"Timothy S. Hatten"
Published on 2011-02-10 by Cengage Learning

Small Business Management provides a balanced introduction to both entrepreneurship and small business management with a focus on achieving and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage as a small organization. Current issues including global opportunities, service, quality and technology are highlighted throughout the text. The streamlined format allows instructors to cover the entire text of 18 chapters within a standard semester timeline without sacrificing important topics. The Fifth Edition features a special focus on the impact of the financial crisis on small business management. The online Business Plan Guide and templates provide some of the most extensive information available on business planning. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword small business for sale.

Open Innovation Essentials for Small and Medium Enterprises

Open Innovation Essentials for Small and Medium Enterprises

Open Innovation Essentials for Small and Medium Enterprises
By:"Luca Escoffier","Adriano La Vopa","Phyllis Speser","Daniel Satinsky"
Published on 2016-02-08 by Business Expert Press

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have to approach open innovation differently than large companies. This practical guide on open innovation is expressly for entrepreneurs and managers in SMEs. The authors provide strategies, techniques, and Òtricks of the tradeÓ enabling SMEs to practice open innovation systems profitability and enhance the long-term value of their company. Included are tools such as brokers, auctions, crowdsourcing, technology transfer, and spin-ups, making it useful for people already in business, starting businesses, or seeking supplemental material for courses.

This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword small business grants.

Accounting for the Numberphobic

Accounting for the Numberphobic

Accounting for the Numberphobic
By:"Dawn Fotopulos"
Published on 2014-09-03 by AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn

Why do so many business owners dread looking at the numbers? They make excuses…They don’t have time…That’s what the accountant is for....But the simple truth is that no one else will ever be as invested in their company as they are—and they need to take control. As a small-business owner, financial statements are your most important tools—and if you don’t know how to read them and understand their implications, you cannot possibly steer your business successfully. Accounting for the Numberphobic demystifies your company’s financial dashboard: the Net Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and Balance Sheet. The book explains in plain English how each measurement reflects the overall health of your business—and impacts your decisions. You will discover: How your Net Income Statement is the key to growing your profits • How to identify the break-even point that means your business is self-sustaining • Real-world advice on measuring and increasing cash flow • What the Balance Sheet reveals about your company’s worth • And more Illustrated with case studies and packed with practical action steps, this indispensable guide will put your business on the path to profitability in no time.

This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword small business accounting.

Grant Writing Handbook for Nurses

Grant Writing Handbook for Nurses

Grant Writing Handbook for Nurses
By:"Barbara Holtzclaw","Carole Kenner","Marlene Walden"
Published on 2009-10-07 by Jones & Bartlett Publishers

Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition. Grant Writing Tips for Nurses is a reader-friendly primer that acknowledges that grant writing is an essential skill for today's nurse. The text follows a logical path, moving from the reasons for seeking grant funding, the types of grants available, and the structure and content for a typical grant proposal, to the transit of grant proposals through internal institutional processes, deadlines and signatures, and progress through review by the funding agency. Final chapters take a glance foward to future funding, ethical dilemmas related to grants, and life after grants. An Essential Resource for Your Course!

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword small business grants.

How to Get the Financing for Your New Small Business

How to Get the Financing for Your New Small Business

How to Get the Financing for Your New Small Business
By:"Sharon L. Fullen"
Published on 2006 by Atlantic Publishing Company

While poor management is cited most frequently as the reason small businesses fail, inadequate or ill-timed financing is a close second. Whether you're starting a business or expanding one, sufficient, ready capital is essential. This new book will provide you with a road map to securing the financing. The book goes into traditional financing methods, and assists the reader in setting up proper financial statements and a proper business plan. It details the differences between debt and equity financing and how and why to use each. Valuation techniques are explained for determining what your business is truly worth. However, the book's real strength is in explaining alternative and creative methods of financing, such as SBA financing, investor angles, IPOs, limited public offerings, and venture capital. Numerous real-world examples are given for structuring a deal to benefit both the financier and the entrepreneur. Essential resources for finding the detailed information you need are included throughout.

This Book was ranked 3 by Google Books for keyword small business grants.

Small business administration--1960

Small business administration--1960

Small business administration--1960
By:"United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Small Business"
Published on 1960 by

This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword small business administration.